Times have come and gone but money has always remained the cynosure of all eyes. The key purpose for obtaining money might be different but the urge to possess it has been strong since time immemorial.
If I raise a question..who had a coin bank as a kid? All hands will go up! Yes..shapes and sizes must have been different. The leisurely act of dropping coins in the piggy bank was far more pleasurable than the act of saving money in a poker-faced bank.
As a kid I was the proud owner of three coin banks but my favourite was one earthen coin bank. It had a traditional look with copper glaze. It was a tedious job to retrieve coins from it without causing permanent demolition. Still I loved it because it provided me the scope for using my colors and artistictic excellence. The whole body used to get a colourful look with drawings which now have a name…”abstract art”.

With age, my consumption has reduced also. Though often I feel the urge to grab a candy floss, smell it and feel it melting in my mouth. But logic nips the wish. I do not buy stickers anymore. Can not stick them on official reports.
Everyday childhood days are going far and far away. It is bidding me good bye. I try to hold it but all in vain. My dreams of grown – up years have overshadowed the little wishes of childhood. But I know the days can not dissappear for ever. Life is a drawing without an eraser. So traces of early day’s memories will flicker by often to prove its presence…to say that it will be there whenever I will need to stop, stare and enjoy the fleeting glimpses.
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