“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all”? For the time being, I would like the wicked Queen to take temporary voluntary retirement and leave the stage for me.
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who has the real beauty amongst all?”
Mirror: “My interim owner, your change in search word has caused enough trouble and hardwork for me. It was easier with the Queen and less strenuous to find the fairest person. You see the term beauty cannot be encompassed within a specific definition. It does not denote any particular entity. The term beauty is very much exquisiteness incarnate. Anything lovely, soothing, wonderful, delicate, refined that touches your heart or perhaps your soul can be endowed with the terminology “beauty”.
In human world, good looks are valued a lot. But you see, physical beauty is just an adornment like wearing good clothes. It is bound to fade away with the regular wear and tear regime of time. So what remains is your soul.
So I tried to find what makes a soul beautiful. The answer is Devotion. Devotion to Almighty, devotion to work, devotion to responsibilty, devotion to family, devotion to a noble cause, devotion to a vow, – makes a person beautiful. It is just a single word but its significance is widespread. Each is holding a unique flavour of core human value. Dedication, loyalty, commitment, compassion all these encompass this eight letter word. Living with values in line with principles, integrity makes a person truly beautiful.
Please do not be annoyed. In my search process I bumped into your databank and found certain moments captured by you, to be beautiful. Nature is also beauty incarnate.
Simple beauty with elegance is seen in this rosy snap.
This pink beauty was captured just after a drizzle in the hilly areas of Darjeeling.
I’m sure these crabs never made a deliberate effort to make their home look so beautiful. Their incessant laborious effort has given birth to this fine piece of artistic beauty. So you see, absence of an effort to look good but presence of an effort to make it constructive has bestowed it with outstanding beauty.
Crab's designer home captured at the Mondarmoni beach, West Bengal
Solitary moment has beauty of its own. Solitary provides the scope to realise happiness by drawing one’s attention within. At that time you are just you. Experiencing such moments enhance inner beauty through the guiding light of spirituality.
A dog enjoying a solitary moment at Mondarmoni beach, West Bengal
Music has unparalleled beauty. It appeals directly to one’s heart. I found the snap of these two boys playing a different looking violin. Can you share the event with me?
Young boys performing at the Chowk market in Darjeeling |
Oh yes, they were playing a marvelous melodious tune sitting at a corner in the busiest chowk market in Darjeeling. I can not explain in words the fascinating and soothing rhythm that swayed in that place for that particular moment. Every shopper stopped to listen to their tune.
Mirror: Ah! So do you agree that music suddenly changed the humdrum market place into a place of bliss. Bliss is also synonymous with beauty. Do you agree with me?
I do agree to what you are saying.
And all your search results remind me of a quote by Robert Browning, “If you get simple beauty and nought else, you get about the best thing God invents”.
In the form of narration I thought of expressing my views on real beauty for yahoo Dove Real Beauty contest